My go-to Brownie recipe

get ready to unbutton your jeans, love.
Where your black stretchy pants at?! because I got A go-to BROWNIE RECIPE, and now YOU get TO have IT too (gotta sing that last sentence out loud because these are that good, if I do say so myself).

When you’re seriously thinking ’bout eating a whole plate of brownies…
I dedicate this pan of brownies, or as they would say on The terrific British baking Show, this “tray bake,” to my high-waisted black Zellas, which are a touch too snug and borderline indecent at the moment.


I also dedicate them to my people, a.k.a. chocoholics everywhere. Oh, you know who you are. You read Charlie and the chocolate factory when you were a kid, and when Augustus Gloop fell into the chocolate river, you secretly wished that would happen to you someday!

Say it with me: “gear-ar-delly.”
Be careful ’cause the bowl gets hot.
I wanna little sugar in my bowl.
It took several attempts to get these brownies to go-to Brownie status, as the former scientist in me kept tweaking and refining, and now I’m 99.9% sure I’m there (gotta keep some wiggle room for improvement). These are the best damn brownies I’ve ever eaten. and I’ve eaten many, many, lots of brownies.

Cocoa powder, salt and instant coffee
What the batter looks like before the cocoa powder…
Fold it in a few times first before turning on the mixer, please.
They’re dense, chocolaty and have a subtle caramel undercurrent from the brown sugar, and while they’re sweet, they aren’t overly sugary. They also have toasted chopped walnuts for next-level texture, but you can absolutely leave them out if walnuts aren’t your thing. feel complimentary to customize this recipe to suit your needs and taste, although I do think there are a few non-negotiables…


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

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Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet chocolate Chips. In the gold bag. Out of all the different brands/levels of chocolatey-ness I tried on the way to brownie Valhalla, these got the best reaction from my taste testers, a.k.a. me, El Hub, my family and my neighbors, who I believe love me and hate me for randomly popping in over the last few months with substantial plates of brownies.

Instantná káva. There’s about a tablespoon in the recipe. Don’t worry if you don’t like coffee because you’re not going to be able to taste it. It brings out the richness of the chocolate. sensitive to caffeine? use decaf.

Toasted walnuts. Shout-out to all my pals here on MBB who said that toasting them would be life-changing, because it is! It’s an extra step, but you’re gonna have the oven on anyway, so you might as well.

A hand mixer or mixing stand like a KitchenAid. Technically, you can do this whole recipe from start to finish with a single bowl and a whisk, and I tried that once, but it took forever and I made a substantial mess, so I’m all about the KitchenAid.

Almost there.
Ready, set…BAKE.
Oh, and as delicious as these are when they first come out of the oven, they’re even better if you have enough patience to let them set overnight in the fridge. It just takes them to the next level, but if you can’t wait until then and YOU have TO SHOVE THEM into YOUR MOUTH like ideal NOW, I absolutely get it.

Now, onto the recipe! — and I have to give props to Mel over at Mel’s kitchen Cafe, by the way, because my go-to recipe is based on hers. Her recipes… I love them. They’re simple, she uses ingredients you can find at any grocery store, and they’re delicious. If you like to cook or bake, you’ve gotta start following her because you’ll learn a lot.


1 cup chopped walnuts

1 cup butter (2 sticks)

8 ounces Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet chocolate Chips

1 1/2 cups granulated sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

5 large eggs

1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1/2 tsp salt

1 tbs instant coffee

2/3 cup all-purpose flour



(This makes about 25 single-serving brownie squares.)

Preheat your oven to 350 F. Prep a 9 x 13-inch metal baking pan with parchment paper. I use Reynolds Kitchens SmartGrid because the lines make it easy for me to see where to cut the paper down once it’s in the pan. I tear off a large sheet, put it into the pan, then I weigh down the corners with mugs. I cut through the corners and around the edges to trim the paper down, and then I leave the mugs in there while I’m working on the batter, because the mugs shape the paper to the pan, so when I pour the batter in at the end, I’m don’t have to fight to weigh the paper down.

Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or foil, and spread out your chopped nuts. toast them in the oven anywhere between 3-6 minutes. You’ll want to keep a close eye on them; my oven doesn’t get as hot as other ovens do, so it takes about 4-6 minutes in mine. You’ll know they’re done when they’ve turned a deep brown and you can see a little bit of oil released on the bottom of thefólie. Tiež … môžete ich vychutnať. LOL! Ochutnú nutnosť a oveľa silnejšie, ale nie oveľa viac horké, ako vaše konvenčné surové nakrájané vlašské orechy. Nastavte ich stranou.

Umiestnite dve palice masla a čokoládových čipov v mikrovlnnej trezorovej miske a mikrovlnná rúra je spolu v 1-minútových prírastkoch na vysokej úrovni, kým sa nedokážete premiešať dve spolu hladko. Nechcete to prehriať, aj keď, tak dávajte pozor na misku, pretože je zahrievanie.

Pridajte 1 šálku granulovaného cukru do teplej čokoládovej zmesi, mix a potom nechať úžasné asi 5 minút. Potom, čo je v pohode, normálne prenesiem roztavenú čokoládu a maslo na moju kuchynskú misku, aby sa všetko uľahčilo.

Rozšľahajte v zostávajúcom 1/2 šálke granulovaného cukru, 1/2 šálky hnedého cukru a vanilky.

Zmiešajte v jednom vajci naraz, kým sa nedostanete cez všetky päť vajíčok. Chcete, aby cesto v tomto bode sa zobrazilo lesklé a hladké.

Pridajte kakaový prášok, soľ a instantnú kávu a potom mix. Ak používate KitchecAid, budete chcieť sklopiť všetko v niekoľkokrát pred zapnutím mixéra, pretože ak stačí vyhodiť kakaový prášok priamo na vrch cesto a otočte mixér na, kakaový prášok skončí po celom mieste Frickin. Na vlasy, vo vašich nosníku, na vašich pultoch a dokonca aj na mačke žobranie na vaše členky na jedlo. Bol si varovaný.

Zložte v múke a orechy so špachtľou a snažte sa nepretržite mix. Chcete, aby múka len zmizla do cesta.

Odstráňte hrnčeky z kovovej panvice a nalejte a odložte cesto do panvice so špachtľou, kým nie je väčšinou ani, a potom pečieme medzi 25-40 minútami … čas skutočne závisí od vašej rúry. Vzhľadom k tomu, že moja nie je neuveriteľne horúca, nechám ich asi 40. Budete vedieť, že sú hotové, keď môžete vložiť špáradlo do centra a vyjde sa s lepkavými, vlhkými omrvinkami (na rozdiel od toho, že to vychádza von pokryté kvapalinou brownie goop).

Nechajte ich sedieť pri izbovej teplote pred narezaním na ’em (inak, vaše hrany budú drobivé). Ak môžete čakať, nechajte ich chladiť v chladničke 1-2 hodiny. Alebo cez noc. Potom zdvihnite Brownies z panvice a odrežte ich na štvorce. Pre neuveriteľne čisté hrany používam cesto rezačky; Aj pizza cutter funguje! Oh, a tak aj staromódny ostrý nôž.

Lipstick Swatch-A-Thon Mug z

Chcela len jeden skus, a potom požiadala, aby jedla môj šalát na obed. Bábätká sú divní, muž!
Váš priateľský sektorový závislý,


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